

Centre for Education Growth and Research (CEGR) is the leading and only education think tank in India, credited with four innovations. CEGR provides a platform for exchange of dialogue among educationists, the media and policy makers and augments educational growth and research. With over 10,000 aligned academicians, corporate and researchers, the CEGR National Council includes Regulators from AICTE; 100 Vice Chancellors from various regions of India and leading industrialists. CEGR is the only education think tank to organize 56 successful events in 14 states on a single day under its flagship social initiative i.e. Indian Education Festival. Indian Education Festival benefited more than 12,500 persons on a single day.

    The 4 unique innovation includes
  1. Research Based Book in India for Academic Leaders i.e. Higher Education Leadership and Management,
  2. Research Based Book in India for skills gap i.e. Corporate Employability Skills
  3. Research Methodology for Faculty and
  4. First research based book in India for Faculty Career Orientation i.e. Higher Education Faculty Career Orientation and Advancement.

Vision of CEGR is to be the Leading Global Education Think Tank assisting government in drafting stakeholder centric policies and in the benefit of society. CEGR aspires to assist government in creating India as the best Global Research Hub and preferred global education destination for the students i.e. Learn in India .